Speakers Are Leaders
Gala Dinner Awards
28th October 2022 Doors open 4:00pm
Awards Ceremony Starts @ 4:30pm to 00:30am
@ Hilton London Olympia,
380 Kensington High St, London W14 8NL
Dress Code: Bow Tie (men) and Elegant Evening Dress ( women)

From: Harry Sardinas & Lily Patrascu
Re: Invite To Possibly The Best Awards Networking Party You Will Ever Go To
Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards
Recognition for Phenomenal Empowered Women, Authors, Speakers, Top Coaches And Entrepreneurs Whose Voice Is Transforming The World For Leadership, Creativity, Contribution And Support For Speakers Are Leaders
Regular Price: £297
£147 For Speakers Are Leaders Team
Network With Influential Entrepreneurs & Celebrate Your Friends’ Achievements

Did You Know Working Non Stop Could Do More Harm Than Good For Your Business And Your Life? Did You Also Know One Influential Person You Meet Could Change Your Life? The Quality Of Your Networking Reflects In Your Bank Account.
That is exactly why I am inviting you to join us at this superb evening at Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards – where you can network with influential entrepreneurs whilst taking the time to relax and enjoy an evening of letting your hair down.
Also, have you ever been in a situation where you keep working but you don’t take the time to celebrate? Sometimes taking time to switch off is the best thing you can do for your business because it enables you to create space for fresh ideas for your business.
We realised we haven’t taken the time to celebrate the people who have contributed to Speakers Are Leaders, and associated programmes we organise (Brand For Speakers, Millionaire Speakers Network, Entrepreneurs Are Leaders Mastermind or Entrepreneurs Are Leaders Programme) and we would love it if you can be a part of that. It’s really a great opportunity for you to network with like minded people and take the time to reward yourself for your hard work with an evening of fun.
We are grateful to different people for taking the time, leadership, creativity to support us or give us feedback so we can grow the impact of Speakers Are Leaders public speaking and branding programme to currently having empowered more than 10000 people worldwide. We know we have a lot to grow still but we want to take a moment to celebrate how far we have come in 2 years and the people who have helped us grow along the way.
If your spouse is being nominated, then this award is just as much YOURS as his or hers, because we all know a supportive spouse is worth her/his weight in gold. Thank YOU. If you are a friend of a nominee, perhaps we need to thank you for your encouragement. We all know people are the average of the 5 people they hang out with the most.
Or if you are just a curious entrepreneur, author or coach, you are welcome to explore our wonderful network of people.
Become Part Of Our Mission To Empower 100 Million People To Be Happier & Share Their Authentic Stories Worldwide

Celebration is an essential part of getting the renewed energy to succeed in your business or your life. This evening is meant to be a celebration of empowerment, achievement, excellence, leadership and creativity – all found in a team united by a common goal – the desire to make a difference. If that is you, we promise to give you a celebration you will never forget for sharing the evening with us.
Recently we got more clarity about the impact we would like to create around the world. We want to empower 100 million people to be happier and share their stories worldwide by creating magically influencing and inspiring books and by training entrepreneurs and speakers to share their voice with the world. Every little bit you do to help us contributes to our mission and we are grateful for it.
Get The Exposure & Branding By Association At Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards

Did You Know Most People Miss Out On Hundreds Of Thousands Of Pounds in Revenue Because They Are Invisible To Their Desired Target Market?
In fact if you totalled it all up over the course of their lifetime, it could add up to millions of pounds of lost revenue. Why? Lack Of Effective Branding.
At Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards- you have the opportunity to hang out with influential entrepreneurs, authors and speakers so you can Enhance Your Personal Brand, Monetise Your Influence & Increase Your Visibility & Credibility.
Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards Is The Most Fun Event You Will Have Been To In A While

Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards Is The Only Party Where You Are Guaranteed To Have A Lot Of Fun Among Friends.
One thing you won’t be able to argue with – if you know us at all – is that we know how to party and have fun. If you haven’t met yet, well we are worth meeting.
The Thing You Will Love Is The Quality Of The People You’ll Be Sitting Next To
Speakers Are Leaders has always been a magnet for high end clients and inspiring people. I don’t know why. Maybe it is because when you focus on making a difference, you attract your ideal clients. Or maybe because bald heads are on trend. Harry Sardinas in particular is a social magnet. Unsure if that’s because everyone likes his bald head, his humour, his cheeky smile or his authentic heart. Whichever of these things you may like, you are guaranteed to find them at Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards. Harry Sardinas is the Ultimate Entertainer so get ready to have fun.
Plus you can totally take advantage of our ability to attract high end clients by turning up at Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards. You never know who you can be sitting next to. Maybe your next client. Perhaps your future Joint Venture Partner. Or maybe your future wife or husband. Maybe Your Story Can Be Created At Speakers Are Leaders. Let us help you do that.
Or maybe you are looking for something and you aren’t quite sure what that is. Years ago – that was me. I was holding a piece of paper in my hand and asking everyone – what can I do with my skills? Nobody knew. Until I met Harry Sardinas. He was bald, very unassuming. I could not have been more wrong. Judging a book by its cover can be wrong sometimes. He never liked to read or write but he wanted to be an author.
I could have definitely won an award for the most boring person on stage any day of the week. I could have won the award for the person with the least confidence in the room. But he held my hand every step of the way until I had the confidence to speak in front of more than 10000 people in total worldwide so far. He gave me the training and support so I could discover and nourish my talents and gifts.
You might have guessed – my talent is writing magically influencing books for entrepreneurs who want to enhance their personal brand, monetise their influence and transform the world. And I am just getting started. My mission is to inspire 100 million people to be happier and share their stories in life – changing books. When you hang out with people who are thinking BIG, you think bigger too!
I don’t know why you are reading this, but I know you are in the right place. There are no coincidences, only paths leading to where you were meant to be. It’s your time now. It’s Your Time Now. It’s YOUR Time Now.
Sometimes you’ve got to hear from someone else what you have always known deep inside so you can believe it. And the people you need for your next step of your journey could appear in front of you. Could be us, could be someone else. Just come along, it will be fun. Join us in the journey. It all starts with this awesome evening.
Spend Your Evening With Two Celebrity Lookalikes
You may not have realised but Harry Sardinas looks very much like the character of Louis Litt from the popular TV series called ‘Suits’ and also like the Easyjet founder – Stelios.
Lily Patrascu (me!) has often been likened to Karren Brady from “The Apprentice” TV series. So you get the opportunity to spend your evening with two great celebrity lookalikes, which admittedly should not be the same as pleasant but it will be.
Harry is approachable, fun and exciting. Well, at least I think so. And his writing is deplorable that’s why you will never see him write anything on any website. But it is undeniable he has brought the Cuban spirit of fun, the salsa dance, the belief in people’s potential and a genuine desire to support anyone in their journey to transform the world with their voice and their gifts. And it is mostly because of him that you are all here reading this page.
Lily brings stories to life with her copywriting and she loves enhancing your image and personal brand. And she brings her Romanian No B.S. attitude to the table which could turn out an entertainment in itself – but you will get to see that soon.
Simply Bring Your Best Smile And Your Best Frock And Get Ready For A Fabulous Evening!
Here Is What Is Included:

Who Are The Organisers For This Event?
Get RRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY For The Power Couple – Keynote Speakers for the evening , Founders Of Speakers Are Leaders, and Organisers – Empowerment, Public Speaking and Leadership Trainer Harry Sardinas & Branding Coach Lily Patrascu.
So get ready for never seen before FUN with Harry and Lily.

Harry & Lily On Stage
Harry & Lily With Influencers

Business & Life Strategist

Marie Diamond – Feng Shui Expert who appeared in The Secret Movie – so far 500 million views

Sean Seah – Founder Chief Executive Officer and Master Trainer of Value Investing College>

Desmond Ong – Private Equity Investor and Online Marketing Expert
We Attracted Celebrities To Our Previous Events
We have attracted celebrities and high caliber entrepreneurs to our previous events – Feng Shui Expert Marie Diamond who appeared in the movie ‘The Secret’ viewed by 500 million people, marketing expert who sold over 200 million dollars – Armand Morin And the multimillionaire monk Master Sri Akarshana – who has 500k+ subscribers on his youtube channel speak at our events.

Marie Diamond – Feng Shui Expert who appeared in The Secret Movie – so far 500 million views

Chris Imafidon – is one of the leaders in modern informatics and education.
Who Will Be Rewarded For Their Support For Speakers Are Leaders?

Women Rule The World. You don’t need me to tell you that, I am sure. So Get Ready To See Plenty Of Phenomenal Women Take The Stage. We are proud to have empowered many women to enhance their confidence and speak powerfully on stage.
Alongside Them, James Bond – Type Phenomenal Men Are Sure To Impress Us With Their Voice.
On a serious note – we will give awards to phenomenal empowered women, top coaches, entrepreneurs, speakers and authors who have moved to the next level thanks to Speakers Are Leaders, Brand For Speakers, Millionaire Speakers Network or Entrepreneurs Are Leaders or the support team who have helped us along the way.They come in all shapes and sizes. One thing all these people are not missing for sure is CHARISMA. So get ready to be charmed.
When you meet a ‘Speakers Are Leaders’ trained speaker – you will know it. The reason why many speaker training courses fail is because they teach the techniques for presentation skills but they forget that if you are afraid you may know all the strategies but won’t have the courage to implement anything! We are proud to have empowered thousands of people to find the courage to speak more confidently, to achieve their dreams, or to go after anything they want.
What Kind Of Awards Shall Be Given?

Speakers Are Leaders Is NOT Going To Be Another Boring Gala Event
Have you been to other award evenings where you were bored to death? This won’t be it. I guarantee.
Who Is This Event For?
- People Who Contributed To Speakers Are Leaders
- Guests – Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Speakers, Authors Looking For A Quality Networking Evening
What’s The Investment In This Quality Evening At Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards?

We looked at other award events – and most quality ones are over £350. But here is the thing, because this is the SECOND TIME we are running the Speakers Are Leaders Gala Dinner Awards, it won’t be that.
It should be at least £297, for sure.
But because we want to attract quality people to this amazing evening, and we want to make it so affordable that everybody who supported us can come, for a Limited Period it will be only £147 for all this. Price may go up at anytime so secure your ticket now:
Grab your ticket for £147 which includes:

Entry To The Event
Hang Out With The Most Fun People In London
Quality Business Networking
Luxury Central London Venue
Keynote Speech From Speakers Are Leaders Founders – Harry Sardinas & Lily Patrascu
A Delicious Finger – Licking Three Course Meal From Set Menu Only.
*Any other drinks and food apart from the set menu will be paid extra by you.
Dress Code: Strictly Bow Tie for men and Elegant evening wear for ladies.
Secure Your Ticket Now And Bring A Few Friends Too!
There are Only 50 Tickets For The Speakers Are Leaders Community For This Event
So You’d Better Hurry Before They Are Sold Out

We decided to make this a close knit group as that will enable us to have more fun and connect on a deeper level. I expect the tickets to be 100% Sold Out Soon so you’d better hurry before all tickets are sold out. We will release the tickets first to you – people who have supported us first. Once 50 tickets are sold out, the tickets will be sold at a normal price, so you’d better hurry if you don’t want to be left out.
Sorry – no refunds in any situation – because we need to hold a space for you if you book the ticket and we would need to pay for the space anyway.
Speakers Are Leaders Reviews
This is our second Speakers Are Leaders Awards event. We are collating the videos from that. Here Is A Glimpse Of The Atmosphere At Speakers Are Leaders And How Far We Have Come So Far. You may want to watch it if you were one of the people who came to our very first tiny events we did when we started.
Business owner Mustafa Dervish overcame his fear of public speaking and is now confidently sharing his message on social media and easily closed a major contract a few days after the course.
Speedreading expert Alex Garcez became an international speaker after attending Speakers are Leaders and he is now confidently using the techniques learnt in front of audiences of over 1000 people. He has shared his message in Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan and UK audiences.
Banker Annie Le has gone from an average speaker to increase her confidence levels so high that she was able to share the stage with multimilllionaire Randi Zuckerberg in front of around 1000 people and she is now confident to share her message to any number of audiences.
Recruitment consultant Marcella took the leadership to start a now successful property business that runs on autopilot, increased her productivity, reduced her workload from 60 hours a week to 21 hours a week and now has more Freedom to enjoy her life!

Event Details:

When Is It: 28th October 2022 Doors Open 4:00 pm. Awards Ceremony Starts At 4:30 pm.
Venue: Hilton London Olympia,
380 Kensington High St, London W14 8N
Dress Code: Bow Tie (men) and Elegant Evening Dress ( women)
Book Now