You’re Invited To Free Workshop “Speakers Are Leaders”
Become A Confident Speaker & Overcome The Fear Of Speaking
We Help You Get The Courage To Unleash The Speaker Within And Achieve Your Goals.

Did You Know Most People Are So Afraid Of Public Speaking They Miss Out On Major Business and Life Opportunities, They Miss Out On Asking Out The Person Of Their Dream, They Miss Out On Getting The Job They Really Want?
They Miss Out On Making The Sales That Will Generate The Income They Need To Have A True Freedom Lifestyle, Where They Really Have Time Freedom, Choice Freedom, Financial Freedom.
Maybe You Have A Message You Want To Share With The World; Maybe You Are An Author Whose Voice Isn’t Being Heard. Maybe You Are An Entrepreneur So Caught Up In Your Business You Don’t Have Time To Really Think About Your Dream Of Motivating The World.
Have You Considered You Have A Gift Nobody Knows About?
Maybe It’s Time For You To Share It Now.
What I Know Is It Would Be Painful To Reach The End Of Your Life And Not Have The Courage To Share Your Message.
Imagine Dying With The Music Inside You.

Did You Know 90% of Dying People Regret:
1) not having the courage to express their feelings
2) not having the courage to live a life true to themselves
3) working hard
4) not staying in touch with friends
5) not being happier
This person doesn’t have to be you.
I am sure you don’t want to get to the end of your life and regret you didn’t have the courage to follow your dreams and achieve your full potential
Discover Hidden Strategies to Unleash your Voice, Power, Courage, Energy as a Speaker and Never Be Afraid Again When You Are Speaking In Public
Unleash The Speaker Within at this 3 hour workshop.
We Help You Get The Courage To
Unleash The Speaker Within And Achieve Your Goals

Here’s what you will discover:
Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking And Become A More Confident Speaker For Any Situation
The Voice Mastery System To Engage The Audience And Be Perceived As An Amazing Speaker
Practice Speaking With The Panic Free Speaker Model ™
Practice The Expert Posture Formula ™
Master Body Language Techniques
The Speakers Are Leaders Story – Telling Technique To Position Yourself With Your Expert Story
Practice Crafting Your Clear Message So You Can Sell In Any Platform – Online Or Offline, So You Can Close More Deals Or Sales And So You Never Confuse Your Audience Again
At Many Events You Are Simply Learning How to Speak,
But Aren’t Speaking Yourself!

Maybe you got passed up for that promotion, maybe you had the opportunity to ask a question in front of a large crowd or ask out the person of your dreams but you just could not do it because you were too afraid. In fact, you are not alone. Speaking in public is the biggest fear people have all over the world.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. We have helped people just like you to overcome the fear of public speaking in just 24 hours. This workshop will give you a taster for overcoming the fear of speaking and becoming more confident.
This Is Exactly Why Speakers Are Leaders Is A
Speaking Workshop, Not A Listening Workshop

Unlike other workshops, Speakers are Leaders will create lasting results and great impact in your public speaking and you will be able to get ahead in business with more confidence because you will retain up to 90% of what you immediately practice and implement, whilst being in an alert state of mind thanks to our engaging experiential techniques.
On the flip side, you will only remember 10% of what you listen only, and that’s exactly why you may have attended other speaking courses without actually advancing that much.
Our program is a fantastic stepping stone for you to take your speaking to the next level; our attendees have closed major contracts worth thousands of pounds the day after the course, started a new speaking business, created a new youtube channel, started monetizing their knowledge by creating workshops and publishing books, increased their confidence.
Speakers Are Leaders Can Help You Achieve Your Goals And Dreams

Hi, I am Harry Sardinas – the founder of Speakers are Leaders & Entrepreneurs Are Leaders. I can empower and help you develop your public speaking skills by showing you how to speak more effectively so more people want to do business with you.
Our international Speakers Are Leaders program was listed in the New Tycoon app among world’s best courses – alongside Gary Vaynerchuck, Dr Demartini and Robert Kiyosaki.

I have trained thousands of Speakers, Entrepreneurs, Authors, Coaches and Young people to overcome their fear of public speaking and become more confident when speaking from the stage, so they can share their message with the world, contribute to society and create wealth at the same time and I can empower you to do the same so you can achieve your full potential, get the best results at work, attract more business to you and create a movement of inspired raving fans for your product.
I am an empowerment, public speaking & leadership coach, an international speaker, an entrepreneur, inspiring leader and author of multiple books. I was invited to briefly speak about my book on stage at National Achievers Congress, in front of more than 2000 people. Tony Robbins, Eddy the Eagle, JT Foxx, Kevin Green were headline speakers at that event. I’ve won the Toastmasters international public speaking contest club and area level. I have spoken at the same event as world class international speakers like Les Brown, Armand Morin and Sean Seah. Learn the skills, strategies and techniques that will transform your life and business. Book your ticket now for Speakers Are Leaders event and I will see you there.
I am the founder of Brand For Speakers, co–founder of Speakers Are Leaders & Entrepreneurs Are Leaders. I write and publish books that transform the world for busy professionals like you, so you can turn into luxury influencers and make a bigger difference. I can help you turn your story, knowledge and experience into books, online programs and workshops that transform the world.I can help you look great so more people want to do business with you. I am a book publisher, author of multiple books, international speaker, and a personal branding coach. My courses have been listed in the New Tycoon platform among the world’s best programs – Tony Robbins, JT Foxx, Robert Kyosaki. I appeared on stage at the same event as elite speakers in front of thousands of people alongside world renowned speakers in London, Peru, Singapore and many other countries in 4 different continents.

Who is it for:

If you have some knowledge you can share, you can become a speaker and a leader in your organisation.
Harry & Lily On Stage

Harry And Lily With Influencers

Tony Robbins – Number 1 Life And Business Coach In The World

Les Brown – World’s Greatest Motivational Speaker Of All Times

JT Foxx – Number 1 Wealth Coach In The World

Marie Diamond – Feng Shui Expert who appeared in The Secret Movie – so far 500 million views

John Gray – Leading Relationship Expert & Best-Selling Author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus which sold 50 million copies

Dr Demartini – Human Behaviour Specialist who appeared in The Secret Movie
Their Workshops Have Been Listed Among The World’s Best Courses

Business owner Mustafa Dervish overcame his fear of public speaking and is now confidently sharing his message on social media and easily closed a major contract a few days after the course.
Speedreading expert Alex Garcez became an international speaker after attending Speakers are Leaders and he is now confidently using the techniques learnt in front of audiences of over 1000 people. He has shared his message in Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan and UK audiences.
Banker Annie Le has gone from an average speaker to increase her confidence levels so high that she was able to share the stage with multimilllionaire Randi Zuckerberg in front of around 1000 people and she is now confident to share her message to any number of audiences.
Recruitment consultant Marcella took the leadership to start a now successful property business that runs on autopilot, increased her productivity, reduced her workload from 60 hours a week to 21 hours a week and now has more Freedom to enjoy her life!
Event Details:
The times above for the seminar are approximate times only. Lily is committed to the highest standard of presentation and insists that all material is covered, therefore the schedule may vary.
66 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NA

P.S. Grab your ticket before it’s too late

What are you waiting for?

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers
We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. If you have questions, email [email protected]